We provide free, high-quality care for patients with non-life-threatening injuries and illnesses.


Prahran Priority Primary Care Centre provides care for urgent but non-life-threatening conditions. GPs and nurses will assess you when you arrive. We will ensure you receive immediate care. If you need specialist attention, we will help you get to a nearby emergency department.

We provide free, high-quality care for patients with non-life-threatening injuries and illnesses.

Pathology and imaging services are available on site/nearby.

Care is available for everyone, with or without a Medicare card. Translators are also available.

Prahran PPCC was commissioned by South East Melbourne PHN with funding from the Victorian Government.

Prahran PPCC is operated by Sandringham Ambulatory Care Centre (SACC)

Who is SACC

Sandringham Ambulatory Care Centre was established in 2017 in order to better aid the Bayside community by taking pressure off the emergency department,  seeing patients with minor injuries such as fractures, skin infections and wound management.

As the COVID pandemic took course from 2020, we provided testing and vaccination services and expanded to other sites.

With the success of the Sandringham Ambulatory Care Centre in providing positive outcomes to patients and the hospital we became SACC and started to operate other ambulatory care centres, respiratory clinics and the new priority primary care centres.